Day 5: You are not serious until you spend some money

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
3 min readMay 22, 2017

“Don’t let money run your life, let money help you run your life better.” — John Rampton, CEO of Due.

It’s time for me to burst the bubble and tell you that if you are one of those that believe you can create LEGACY without investing any money in your biz.. you are delusional.

Investing money it’s vital. You can’t win the Formula 1 without an Engine and you can’t find F1 Engines in the “FREE items” in your local newspaper.

That’s why Investing is the best way to move ahead, it tells your brain : OKAY this is serious — — I can’t screw this up — I have money on the line.

So today I had an interview with my first and potential Australian Employee. YES!!!! → This “YES”” means — -> I’m scared shitless.

Scared because hiring locally is not easy… I’m used to hire overseas and by recruiting my 1st Sales person in Australia it will make me super accountable.

This means :



My new Captain Adorable…+ my 2 already Adorable boys … depend on me:

You need to put effort to take GOOD Photos!

So… after 4 days of starting this process… I’m getting enough messages on FB , Linkedin and Emails telling me over and over the same message — Push hard — stay true to yourself — keep sharing . So I will:

So to guarantee I make it happen… I need to start buying the Engine of my Formula One car. Yes. I can’t Win Monaco Grand Prix without a car, right???

So the plan for this week is to invest in technology, in the resources I need to make this baby grow.
CRM, lead generation tools, staff, and all the cool gadgets that makes us “feel useful” even if we are not really “doing a lot”…

Here are some of the screws my Engine needs.

The pure BASICS

Hosting (Hostgator)


Wufoo (can’t live without this)

Godaddy (domains) [Horrible company but anyway… screw it]

Mac (I have an old crappy mac)

Phone Galaxy 7 Edge

FreshBooks (To be sure I get Paid)

Stripe / Paypal

For Managing staff:



For my piece of mind:

The Sopranos Seasons playing on the Background.

For sales:

Considering at the moment (I will decide later on)

Active campaign

Done today:

  • Interview with potential Sales Agent
  • Partnered with Videography Expert. (we will offer Video marketing and production! BOOM!
  • Partner with my old team of App developers (you need an App? hit me up!)
  • Build “Launching Soon” Page for Goanna Social
  • Created LOGO!!! (Not perfect but overall happy with it)
  • 2 Proposals Sent
  • Won one Battle of Star Wars Battle Field Xbox one vs my 7 year old → I destroyed him!

Day #5 Stats Goanna Social

Day #5 Hours worked: 6

Overal Hours worked: 29

Funds: $19812.25 AUD

Spent : 34 (Graphic River Logo Vector)

Income : $0

Phone calls: 2

Emails sent: 3

FB / Lead generation interaction: 4

Active Leads: 3

Proposals sent: 3

Feeling: Hungry to make this shit work

85 days to go.

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Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders