Top Stories published by Servertastic in 2012

Become a Bitly Power User

If you use twitter you have most likely come across bitly. This service allows you to turn long urls into short ones thereby saving on precious characters in your tweets.

However bitly allows you to do so much more than just shorten links. Using some of the…

SagePay Fails to Renew SSL Certificate

So SagePay has made one of the largest errors a payment processor could make. It has failed to renew it’s SSL certificate. Users trying to make payment on merchant websites that used SagePay would have been met by expired certificate warnings.

Protecting your SSL website from phishing

Installing an SSL certificate on your website helps convince your website visitors that your website is safe and secure. Data between your site and the visitors system is encrypted. As website visitors have become more security conscious about phishing…

LicenseCube and WHMCS

Recently a rather public falling out has taken place between LicenseCube and WHMCS (and to some degree LicensePal) on Web Hosting Talk. To summarise LicenseCube have not paid WHMCS and as a result WHMCS have suspended all licenses.

These were the top 10 stories published by Servertastic in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.