That Time the Obscene Phone Caller Hung Up on Me

If you’re going to dirty talk strangers, you’d better be good at it

Kiki Wellington
Sex and Satire


Photo by AlienCat on DepositPhotos

The thing is, by the time you made it to my phone, I was ready for you. I had heard all about your antics from other women on the floor of my college dorm. You seemed to think you were clever, but all you really did was add one to the last phone number you dialed to get in touch with the next room on the all-female floor. Everyone on campus knew how to do that. Were you also a student there? No one ever found out. Still, the reports of you came to me through the grapevine and several people were disturbed by the things you said to them.

“He said he wanted to fuck me in the ass!”

“He said he wanted to watch me touch myself!”

“He told me that he was stroking his big cock and thinking of me!”

“He breathed heavy in my ear and said he was horny!”

“He said he wanted me to suck his dick!”

You were the talk of the floor for those few weeks that you let your fingers do the walking in the middle of the night. Maybe everyone was on edge because it was so close to finals week. Maybe the hour that you called made you seem more menacing than you actually were. Maybe the fact that you were doing this in the first…

