9 Mutual Masturbation Tips

Experts weigh in on how to double your pleasure

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by bsd on DepositPhotos

Do you want to try mutual masturbation with your partner but don’t know how to incorporate it into your sex life? Mutual masturbation can definitely feel intimidating at first, but the following expert tips can help you get used to the experience and get the most out of doubling your masturbation pleasure.

Set Boundaries

Before engaging in mutual masturbation, decide in advance how you want the experience to go. Are you going to mutually engage with pornography or erotica? If so, what kind, and does it serve both of your preferences and fantasies? Do you want to touch one another? Or do you want the experience to be physically separate, but mutually visual? Is anything off-limits? Discuss your preferences openly to ensure that every aspect of the experience will be equally arousing and consensual, and respect your partner’s boundaries throughout the experience.

-Mia Sabat, in-house certified sex therapist at Emjoy

Take Baby Steps

I suggest taking baby steps into this new erotic world to make sure you navigate it with as much ease as possible. Have a conversation beforehand rather than spontaneously diving in. Talk about your desires, your fears, and most importantly, your…

