Top Stories published by Sharesies in May of 2017

Millennial view on the NZ economy

You may have seen the recent article about the shocking state of how wealth is distributed in NZ.

In summary… it ain’t great.

  • 60% of the adult population have less than $10,000 cash in the bank

My first time investing — #3

Trevor Dickinson — The Angel Investor 😇

In this series, Sharesies asks investors from all walks of life to chat about what it was like to make their first ever investment. For a bit of a different spin on traditional…

The Loop Issue # 8

Keeping you in the loop with Sharesies.

💖 Investing

As of yesterday afternoon — we’ve launched! Our Sharesies beta is now in 17 customers hands and we will roll out over the coming days/week to over 2,700+ who are…