Go to Futura Magazine
Futura Magazine
Futura Magazine is an electronic publication for speculative fiction content based on Medium’s platform. We publish fine Science Fiction, Fantasy, and other fictitious stories from a wide range of ethnic-cultural background. (Image credit: “The Verge” — © Lightfarm Brasil)
Note from the editor

Futura Magazine is an electronic publication for speculative fiction content based on Medium’s platform. We publish fine Science Fiction, Fantasy, and other fictitious stories from a wide range of ethnic-cultural background. We expect your best drafts for submission, and we are especially interested in works from minority individuals. The stories must be a) original and b) your own. We will keep edits cosmetic, if necessary. Please try to keep your drafts under 6,000 words. Longer works need to speak with an editor. IDEAS WHICH MAY HELP: Consider a graphic image for your story. It helps the story stand out in the Medium headline page. Subtitles or a summarizing sentence (that gives some information about the content of your story) are also encouraged. Editor’s recommendations are optional, unless they are about typos, and serious structural or semantic problems. No work that conflicts with items “a” and “b” (above), or makes apology to racism, harassment, Nazism, antisemitism, and all kinds of discriminatory behavior, will be accepted.

Go to the profile of Thaddeus Howze
futura mag co-founder & a.e.
Thaddeus Howze
Author | Editor | Futurist | Activist | http://bit.ly/thowzebio | http://bit.ly/thpatreon
Go to the profile of Irrational Quandry
Irrational Quandry
Being a better human.
Go to the profile of John Hanacek
John Hanacek
We stand atop trillions of formless heat oscillations, it's up to us to guide ourselves.
Go to the profile of William Patrick Butler
William Patrick Butler
i'm a freelance photographer who loves comics, sci-fi, and thinking a lot about a Universal Basic Income. all as it should be.
Go to the profile of Daniel D☼nnelly
Daniel D☼nnelly
Everything you can imagine is real.
Go to the profile of Conor Gavin
Conor Gavin
Science and Science Fiction
Go to the profile of Mike Rosser
Mike Rosser
Game designer, writer, environmentalist.
Go to the profile of Puloma Mukherjee
Puloma Mukherjee
Looking for the bizarre in the mundane..
Go to the profile of Jess H. Brewer
Jess H. Brewer
Physicist & hopefully more.
Go to the profile of Derek Beyer
Go to the profile of Jules Carry
Jules Carry
Nullius in verba. Sapere aude.
Go to the profile of Nata Pokrovskaya
Nata Pokrovskaya
Film director, writer at @lateralsummer / The future isn't ready yet.
Go to the profile of Ben Valentine
Ben Valentine
Strategist and contributing writer for The Civic Beat. Independent writer living in Oakland. Benjaminvalentine.com @Bennnyv
Go to the profile of Akshay Gajria
Akshay Gajria
Storyteller & Writer | Read more at akshaygajria.com
Go to the profile of Becky DeVendra
Becky DeVendra
Fiction freelancer, Latin Teacher, First Reader for F&SF, Atelier attendee, mom.
Go to the profile of Michael Beachy
Michael Beachy
I’m probably wrong about something.
Go to the profile of Christian Kramp
Christian Kramp
Just a passionate product manager. Get in touch with me on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/krampchristian) or my portfolio (https://bluecrunch.github.io).
Go to the profile of Jonathan Sowers
Jonathan Sowers
Music fan & writer from Richmond, VA.
Go to the profile of Philipp Markolin
Philipp Markolin
Science holds the keys to a world full of beauty and possibilities. I usually try something new.
Go to the profile of Mikael Lopez
Go to the profile of Luke L
Luke L
Developer by day. Incorrigible writer by night.
Go to the profile of Reed Beebe
Reed Beebe
Writer. Adventurer. Amateur detective.
Go to the profile of Inejiro Koizumi
Inejiro Koizumi
Five-Star author of the non-linear book series Our Amplified Earth. Narrator of the Tales From Our Amplified Earth Podcast. Sumo enthusiast. 発気揚々!
Go to the profile of Marcus Bryan
Marcus Bryan
Aspiring embittered failed writer, incompetent but well-meaning father, cardigan enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Jacob Maras
Go to the profile of Futurus
I imagine the future and tell stories about it.
Go to the profile of Ilija Rolović
Ilija Rolović
Science enthusiast. Coffee addict. Die-hard trekkie. CEO at holoframe.io
Go to the profile of Ryan Scott
Ryan Scott
A new idea or perspective, here is the place. Fiction, blog or discovery, mostly about space.
Go to the profile of stockmart
Writing the days away.
Go to the profile of Brian Grey
Brian Grey
Historian | Tech Humanist | Doomsayer | Space Cadet
Go to the profile of Primo S S
Primo S S
he/him. I do reviews of fantasy/sci-fi books. (English is not my first language so there WILL be grammatical mistakes...)