Save Big with Silent Protagonist’s PS5 Coverage

W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2018
We found this image after a quick Google search, so you know we're legitimate

Silent Protagonist is back with a bang, and that bang is people paying ridiculous sums of money for gaming news. Unlike others simply (to be charitable to them) reporting on news and speculation, we will invent our own news and speculation: for the low, low price of $249.99. That’s a saving of $750.01 on the “inside info” promised by Semi Accurate. At a saving of 75.001%, we can guarantee our information will not be semi accurate, but just as accurate as what you would otherwise be coughing up a hard-earned grand on!

You might recall when Silent Protagonist told you about the Playstation 5 being ready to play back in 2016, back when we said Sean Layden and Mark Cerny’s comments about the PS4 Pro not being a step away from traditional console cycles were doubled down on by Sony, announcing PS5 dev kits were being provided to first party studios. People didn’t laugh (as much as we tried). Devs didn’t laugh (try as we might). We are now charging for such news, and now that you're paying for something that used to be free, people are laughing.

Speaking of laughter, people did none of that when we exclusively told you about the PS4 copying the Xbox One, the Xbox One (not named) X (then) being a burger, and Nintendo cancelling the Switch. This of course didn’t stop us trolling but since we’re on the internet, nothing will.

So now it is time for the PlayStation 5/Walkman or whatever Silent Protagonist decides to call it. We have once again done absolutely no reading, will make random guesses about what the “insider info” consists of, and will invent some launch dates, none of them solid. You might want to hold off on that Atari VCS if you plan on buying that at launch. Sony’s beast will handle even more than OG Atari games.

Note: This is not just for subscribers. It’s for anybody happy to waste $249.99.



W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist

An unreliable narrator crafting narrative works. I tweet a lot @wasauthor and ramble a bit on When not doing that, I’m writing my debut novel.