Skycoin Rewards Levels

Gamifying Skycoin Community Participation!

Skyfleet Captain’s Log


( This document was last updated on the 26th of June 2019)

The team behind the Skycoin Rewards Program are building a levelling system to gamify participation, and incite some healthy competition and bragging rights among the Skyfleet!

This article is a working document following the development and eventual launch of what’s becoming known as the SkyCred system.

Now, this isn’t just for fun… although it certainly has been fun for us to brainstorm and start creating! Apart from extravagant and sometimes silly names for banners, you’ll also work your way up a personal rewards ladder containing prizes such as Skycoin, hardware and emotional prizes like a date with Daken (Joking!! Unless you’re into it…?)

Work your way off Moronic Acid (Level 1) all the way to a Zany Gogmagog (Level 33) whatever that is… Yes, we had a little bit too much fun naming these (And possibly one too many beers) But it’s supposed to be fun, not serious!

The underlying reasons behind why blockchain technology, Bitcoin and Skycoin came about was to ‘stick it to the man’ and their hierarchical society. So… When it came to a discussion of adding “Ranks” we decided ‘Nah let’s award people a Smutty Flying Buttocks instead! (Before becoming Smutty, it was actually a real animal… No joke, look it up!)

Ok, I’ll reach into my backpack and put on my serious face for a moment!

We’re leaving it up to all you talented artists to create these banners!
In return, you’ll be awarded upto 20 tickets per banner, with an additional 20 added if we select your banner for the program.

Successful submissions MUST follow these guidelines:

  • Use the templates
  • Use the level names as inspiration
  • Include Some form of Skycoin branding
  • Add the banner number using roman numerals (XI etc.)
  • Post the banner on Twitter with #SkycoinRewards then /submit the link in the Skycoin Rewards Telegram room
  • Finally, the source file sent to @MacSkyver or @ProfessorKubyashi on Telegram. (Preferably .psd or .ai)
  • Content must be your own, no plagiarised artwork!


This document will be updated monthly with which levels are required and which have been completed, so make sure to bookmark the page.

Level 26: Limpid Cyclops (Example)

Levels Required:

Tier 1: Molecular / Cellular:

  • 9: Foolish Neuron
  • 10: Beefy Protein
  • 11: Erotic Acid

Tier 2: Creatures

  • 12: Smutty Flying Buttocks
  • 13: Glamorous Tasselled Wobbegong
  • 14: Self-Conscious Red-Lipped Batfish
  • 15: Fabulous Sparklemuffin

Tier 3: Mythical Creatures

  • 24: Spasmodic Troll
  • 25: Minatory Minotaur
  • 26: Limpid Cyclops
  • 27: Callous Chimera
  • 28: Nefarious Cerberus
  • 29: Insidious Ouroboros
  • 30: Cataclysmic Kraken
  • 31: Draconian Camazotz
  • 32: Erratic Erymanthian Boar
  • 33: Zany Gogmagog



Completed Levels:

Tier 1: Molecular / Cellular:

  • 1: Moronic Acid
  • 2: Vicious Virus
  • 3: Mutant DNA
  • 4: Extra Chromosome
  • 5: Righteous Nucleus
  • 6: Ghastly Germ
  • 7: Woeful Algae
  • 8: Toxic Fungi

Tier 2: Creatures

  • 16: Feckless Raspberry Crazy Ant
  • 17: Egotistic Chinstrap Penguin
  • 18: Studious Mustached Puffbird
  • 19: Infernal Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko
  • 20: Dubious Assassin Bug
  • 21: Skulking Goblin shark
  • 22: Petrified Screaming Hairy Armadillo

Tier 3: Mythical Creatures

  • 23: Incandescent Phoenix

If I were to estimate a completion date for the full SkyCred system it’d be 3–6 months from the publishing of this article.

*** Skycoin reserves the right to change any of the information and rules detailed above. We will be sure to notify you if this is the case. ***

Thanks as always to the team behind SRP! This all wouldn’t exist without your continued help.


Article 1: ANNOUNCED
Article 2: LAUNCH
Article 3: BASICS

Cheers team, cheers Skyfleet!



Skyfleet Captain’s Log

Welcome to your blog Skyfleet! it will contain transcripts of videos, community blog posts and some post from me.