How to Make the Most of Lockdown

Roz Andrews
Small Steps
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2 min readApr 29, 2020

I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. If you’re in lockdown or facing similar restrictions at the moment, I know it’s not always easy to feel calm whilst living with others 24 hours a day.

Here are some things that are helping me to feel calmer and to make the most of my time during lockdown:

  • Daily yoga sessions following YouTube videos (as soon as I get up in the morning)
  • Eating a healthy breakfast before I start working from home
  • Taking regular breaks away from the screen
  • Going out for a walk or spending time in the garden every day
  • Eating dinner with my husband and children and doing a family activity together most days (such as playing a board game, watching a movie or baking).
  • Reading in bed before falling asleep.

Some things I’m avoiding are:

  • Watching the news before going to bed — if I do this, I don’t sleep well!
  • Limiting my consumption of news to very little (most of it is depressing and anxiety-inducing) but also looking for and sharing positive news online
  • Snacking during the day — this isn’t always easy — I had a chocolate bar this afternoon! But I am trying to eat more fruit than chocolate!

Read More Every Day

If you’d like to read more but never seem to find the time, check out How to Read More Every Day for five small things you can do to make reading a regular part of your life.

Be More Productive

Regular breaks can help you to be more productive. Discover how Caroline Schley uses the Pomodoro Technique to maximum advantage in How to Stop Wasting Your Time.

Support Local Businesses

Small businesses in your local community need your help and support more than ever at this difficult time. Discover how you can help them both now and after restrictions are eased in 8 Ways You Can Help Local Businesses Both Now & Post-Pandemic.

Follow Small Steps on Twitter

Small Steps now has its own Twitter account! Check it out at:

If you’re on Twitter, I’d love to connect with you over there, too!

That’s all for now! Stay safe and well.

Best wishes,

Roz Andrews

Founder of Small Steps



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.