Top Stories published by Sneak Review in 2018

Review: Only The Brave 👍

Here comes another review of a movie we got to see in our local Sneak Preview and I am writing about Only The Brave [IMDb, Trailer (YouTube)].

First things first: If you don’t like spoilers, plan to watch this movie yourself and are not aware of true story

Review: Wind River 👍

Our year started off strong in terms of the Sneak Preview with Wind River [IMDb, Trailer (YouTube)], Taylor Sheridan’s second movie. While it originally premiered at the Sundance festival a year ago, it only now slowly arrives in cinemas here in Germany.

Sneak Review
As an avid Sneak Preview disciple, I have a new movie to write about every two weeks. This is where you can find my ramblings. You might find a useful recommendation or even a timely warning. Occasionally I will include a review about a movie I actually picked out myself. :)
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