AlphaGo Zero: Revenge of the Algorithms?

Steven Sinofsky, Sonal Chokshi, and I recorded an a16z podcast back in March 2016 when AlphaGo got its first burst of publicity after defeating Korean professional Go player Lee See-dol. It was a spectacular technical achievement, and we wondered whether this…

AI: The Promise and the Playbook

In the summer of 2016, we published a primer on AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning that unexpectedly went viral.

Since then, we’ve met with hundreds of people working at Fortune 500/ Global 2000 companies, startups, and government agencies…

Quantum Computing: A Primer

When things get small — like atoms and electrons small — physics gets weird. Schrödinger’s Cat weird. Quantum superposition weird. Quantum entanglement weird. Atoms, electrons and photos obey quantum mechanical laws so spooky (Einstein’s word for it) and complex, we can’t even…

Software Is Eating the World
Software Is Eating the World
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