Top Stories published by Spontaneous Order in March of 2009

Tooley’s new book: The Beautiful Tree

I haven’t seen it yet, at least not the final published copy, but here’s a good review in Washington Post by Jay Mathew: Tooley’s book, “The Beautiful Tree,” reveals him to be the kind of traveler who often strays off the main roads, driving official escorts…

Great Lesson in Economic Analysis

Robert Higgs uses the commentary on current economic crisis to teach 6 great lessons in economics: “It’s the same claptrap that has passed for economic wisdom in this country for more than fifty years and seems to have originated in the first edition of Paul Samuelson’s…

India’s Missing Think Tanks

Great piece by our friends at Pragati on the importance of think tanks and particularly of independent think tanks in India. This quote camptures it well: “Without negating the importance and influence of government’s own research on politicians and policy developers, it can be…