Top Stories published by Spontaneous Order in April of 2009

Dowd’s Libertarian View of the Crisis

Professor Kevin Dowd in Lessons from Financial Crisis: A Libertarian Perspective says:

My topic this evening is the current financial crisis. My theme is that the Classical Liberal perspective can help us both to understand the crisis and…

Gandhi on Education

Abha Adams writes in her Mint column: Gandhi wanted to free education from government and state bureaucracy interference. The Mahatma valued self-sufficiency and autonomy, and the more financially independent the schools were, the more politically independent they could be…Gandhi believed in…

Jago Party & Education Reforms

Among all parties, the Jago Party offers education reform ideas (see Q 14 and 15 in the FAQs) that are closer to the School Choice Campaign. Well, they actaully go a step further and suggest privatisation of all state schools! They decentralise the education system by…

Murthy’s New Book: A Better India…

See an extract of A Better India: A Better World in this week’s Outlook, to be out in April by Penguin.

The three books that influenced Murthy’s thinking are: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber; My Experiments with