Why I think we should all use immutable Docker images

Docker is awesome. But the Docker technology can be used many different ways depending on the use case, the technology context and the developers or devops’ praxis.

Managing monolithic repositories with composer’s path repository

Composer now have a new repository type in addition to, among others, the well known vcs for instance: the path repository. The goal if this repository is to be able to manage dependencies between applications and…

Docker running on OVH VPS (Ubuntu 14.04)

Warning. It looks like that it isn’t true anymore for VPS 2016. See this comment.

For testing purpose, you may want to install a Docker server on an OVH VPS. This short article explain you how to make Docker running on a VPS with an…

iOS Swift and AFNetworking: Get response data and status code in case of failure

If you’re using the AFNetworking library to perform HTTP queries in an iOS or OS X application, either with Objective-C or Swift, there’s no simple way to get the response content in case of…

JMS Serializer: serialize camel-cased fields without them being renamed

Using JMSSerializer (or its bundle) serialized field are renamed by default to the underscore-separated words naming convention. If like me you prefer camel-case naming and you want fields serialized as it…

Sonata Admin: Create ACL on object created outside of Admin

If you’re using Sonata Admin and Symfony’s ACL, you can extends Sonata Admin with the CoopTilleulsAclSonataAdminExtensionBundle. Using it, lists just contain data the logged in user has right to view. Thanks to the ACL editor…

Symfony2 Form, PATCH requests and handleRequest: Form is never valid

From Symfony 2.3 we can use (PR #7849) PATCH requests with the Form component to submit a part of the form which will override the form default values. This is really helpful moreover using FOSRestBundle and its…