With Every Thought and Action, You Ripple Mathematics Into the World.

You are a walking, talking, living mathematical construct.

Purusha Radha
Starseed Life
4 min readFeb 22, 2024


Even more, every thought you think, emotion you feel and action you take creates math and frequency. Like a divine double, a vibratory frequency mirrors that math and then ripples out to affect the world and universe.

An image conveying, “The Almighty created the cosmos with words and numbers; golden lit letters and nunbers ciphering in a spiral in the blackness of space.
Image generated in Midjourney by the author

Phythagorus himself observed, “Everything is numbers.”

Kabbalah teaches that the Almighty created the cosmos with words and numbers.

Galileo maintained that our universe is a “grand book” written in the language of mathematics.

And M.I.T. professor Max Tegmark believes mathematics makes the universe.

…our reality isn’t just described by mathematics — it is mathematics, in a very specific sense. Not just aspects of it, but all of it, including you.¹

Math is extremely ordered, sharp and precise. It presents no confusion.

Humans with egos (and math that’s all over the place) are the only ones who create chaos on this planet.

If you take time to appreciate the natural world at all, you know we live in a highly ordered and principled universe.

Fundamental truths we call laws run the universe and math is at the very heart of them. The very act of order and principle is mathematical at its core.

When we can live in harmony with the mathematics of universal law, we’re free. We’re free because now we understand how things happen as they do.

Blaming any person or event proves useless. We understand that what’s occurred results from a mathematical construct we ourselves put into play. And we understand that Divine Substance is merely responding to that math as it must do.

It takes the recipe we give it and bakes the cake.

We’re educated to equate mathematics with arithmetic. But mathematics is so much more.

A creative mathematical formula can be composed of more than the obvious numbers. It will derive from an entire construct of numbers, numerical symbols, formulas, equations, diverse abstract structures and sacred geometrical constructs.

It can even include letters of the alphabet.

If we could drill down to the very essence of any created thing, and go beyond the atom, we’d find a string of mathematical digits and symbols.

They’re creative commands. And they vibrate at all kinds of frequencies.

So what does all this mathematics talk mean to you in your microcosmic life?

Your thoughts and actions create a mathematical blueprint for Divine Substance to respond to.

Divine Substance takes the mathematical blueprint you send it, and similar to a 3D printer, builds the product in your life.

Different mathematical constructs compose the physical human body too. And your thinking, attitudes and lifestyle alter or evolve your math.

Imbalance, sickness and disease are the result of low vibratory math at their core. Your low velocity thinking has created Akashic clusters of mathematical houses within you that indicate something’s wrong or mathematically off.

They create destructive mathematical ripples within the body resulting in sickness, but you can redirect them.

You first begin with getting your thought right and as high frequency as possible. You can utilize the understanding of math in this article alongside the frequencies of sound waves in both high and low frequency within the body.

Now, in a posture of higher vibratory math, the new therapy commands your body to reverse the condition. A mystical healing occurs.

You can also use math’s geometries of various colored Light to create, inspire and heal. And you will intuitively know the colors to use.

The use of colored Light and sound frequencies is the Starseed way of healing.

You mathematically rearrange the body’s energy meridians to more clearly guide and dynamically energize the body.

And not only do you benefit your physical body you also benefit everyone on the planet through the ripple effect.

A man in the process of contemplating his personal spiritual math and integrity; circles of light rays whirl around his head and thoughts express as mathematical formulations; the background is infinite space.
Image generated in Midjourney by the author

Raise your math?

Kabbalah has a method for interpreting Hebrew scriptures, Names and words by computing the numerical value of each letter and then adding them. It’s called Gematria. And that’s one definition of Gematria.

But going deeper, Gematria is the mathematical calculation of the spiritual temperature or Tas you need to build a consciousness Body of Light.

If you want to change your life, or more loftily, build your Body of Light, you have to change and elevate your math.

You change your math—the Gematria of your being—by changing your spiritual temperature — your Tas. You do this by intensifying but not forcing your spiritual integrity.

Your spiritual integrity elicits the math of your entire being.

Your indigenous math is a like a prayer you send out into the universe. It’s your signature code. It reveals all your intentions even if you haven’t yet acted them out.

Your math speaks to the universe who you are and what you are creating.

Think about the math you ripple out every day through your word, your actions, your Isness. Make sure your math sparkles with Light and the most beautiful formulas and constructs.

You don’t have to be a mathematician to accomplish this although you actually are one in an esoteric sort of way.

Simply develop and ensure your spiritual integrity and your math will follow suit.

¹ Is the Universe Made of Math? [Excerpt]; scientificamerican dot com slash article slash is-the-universe-made-of-math-excerpt

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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