Top Stories published by The StartupBus Blog in 2016

And the winner of StartupBus Europe 2016 is…


After 4 days of traveling through Europe while setting up their startup, one team was awarded the best startup by the judging panel. Trustful wants to digitize the ballot system by using NFC and blockchain technology…

FIFA TMS partners with StartupBus Switzerland 2016

We’re very happy to announce that FIFA TMS (Transfer Matching Systems) is partnering with StartupBus Switzerland 2016 this year.

Here’s what FIFA TMS has to say about themselves:

Interview with StartupBus producer Max Kleinedler

We had an interview with Max Kleinedler, who is a producer for StartupBus Germany in our StartupBus Europe 2016 competition (2–7 September). We’ll have a handful of buses driving from all over Europe to Corda INCubator in Hasselt for demo day…

These were the top 10 stories published by The StartupBus Blog in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.