Top Stories published by stereosunset in October of 2012

coming home again

The Wallflowers’ July 24 concert in New York was the first time I’d seen the full band in more than seven years, but my two-show jaunt last week was a true homecoming. Standard disclaimer/warning, even more emphatic than usual: This is (much) more journal than journalism.

and night two

Two nights, two states, same band, and two very different concerts. After night one in Boston, we made the short drive to Tarrytown, N.Y., (site of the Magical Josh Ritter Glowstick Night that gave this blog its name in 2010) on Sept. 30 for the second Wallflowers show.

Not quite official music journalism. Thoughtful, occasionally cynical, sometimes intentionally ridiculous, irregularly updated, fiercely devoted to perennial favorites, and — above all — genuine.
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