How I Use Dark Horse SEO to Destroy My Blogging Competition

And get 120,000 page views per month

Christopher Kokoski
The Startup


Collage of black horses in a fantasy style — How I Use Dark Horse SEO to Destroy My Blogging Competition
Images by the Author using Jasper Art and Canva

Are you sick of your competitors always coming out on top? Do you feel like you’re stuck in last place, no matter how hard you try?

Then it’s time to start using Dark Horse SEO

In this article, I’ll explain exactly how I use Dark Horse SEO to get 120,000 page views per month across my portfolio of websites. You can use these same tactics to help your website gallop past the competition.

What Is Dark Horse SEO?

In horse racing, a dark horse is a little-known or underdog contender that unexpectedly wins the race.

Similarly, in the world of SEO, a dark horse is an article or website that wasn’t originally on the radar but suddenly starts ranking higher than expected in search results.

It could be that the site has been updated with fresh content or new backlinks, or it could be that Google has updated its algorithm and the site is now appearing for new keywords.

Keep in mind that Dark Horse SEO is not the same as Black Hat SEO.

Black Hat SEO is negative, rule-breaking, and Google-penalizing SEO. Even if it works in the short run, don’t do it. It can easily and quickly destroy years of hard work on your website.

How I Do Dark Horse SEO

I apply Dark Horse SEO to almost everything I do with my websites.

That includes:

  • Keyword research
  • Content writing
  • Link building
  • Site structure

Dark Horse SEO Keywords

The first step is to identify Dark Horse keywords.

These are underdog keywords that your competitors are likely overlooking. You can find them using Google autosuggest and various keyword research tools like Ahrefs, RankIQ, and DeapMarket.

Google autosuggest is probably the best way to find them.

That’s because most keyword tools can’t even spot these new and underserved keywords (Google searches).

Dark Horse SEO Content

Once you’ve identified some promising keywords, it’s time to start writing Dark Horse SEO content.

This content should be simple, helpful, and comprehensive. It should address the search intent from all contexts. Remember, you’re not just writing for robots and algorithms, you’re writing for real people, too.

Remember, the winning horse (like the winning blog post) isn’t necessarily the prettiest one.

Dark Horse SEO Link Building

Once you have a solid foundation of content, you can start building links with Dark Horse SEO link-building tactics.

These slower, organic link-building strategies may not show results overnight, but they will pay off in the long run. Linking to high-quality websites helps improve your website’s reputation in the eyes of search engines.

Dark Horse SEO Site Structure

Finally, make sure your site is properly structured for good SEO with Dark Horse site structure tactics.

This means creating a hierarchy of pages with clear titles and descriptions. Your homepage should be the starting point for visitors, and it should be easy to navigate to other pages on your site from there.

I do that by:

  • Using only a handful of category links in my navigation bar
  • Including “Latest posts” in each one of my categories right from my homepage
  • Inserting a link to all of my blog posts (goes to my blog page) on my homepage
  • Providing a search bar feature in my sidebar

By following these steps, you can give your website the boost it needs to overtake even the most established competitors.

How To Spot a Dark Horse Competitor

Spotting a dark horse early on can give you a big advantage in the SEO race.

So how do you identify a dark horse? One way is to set up alerts for your brand and competitor keywords using Google Alerts or another tool like Mention.

This way, you’ll be notified anytime someone mentions your brand, topic, or competitor online.

Another method is to regularly check for unexpected spikes in impressions, page views, or rankings. You can use tools like Ahrefs to track all of this and more. If you notice any sudden changes, it could be an indication that a dark horse is on the rise.

Once you spot a Dark Horse SEO competitor:

  • Study their website
  • Look for how they structure their site
  • See what topics they write about
  • Assess their content

You might find that their website is simpler, faster, and better organized. You might notice that it’s super easy to find information (especially related information).

Perhaps they write about something everyone else is overlooking. You could write about it, too.

Then again, maybe they include a lot of highly valuable content.

Whatever it is that makes them a Dark Horse, you can emulate it on your own website. That’s how one Dark horse becomes two.

Key Takeaways from Dark Horse SEO

Here is a summary of takeaways you might want to implement:

  • Dark Horse SEO is about competing with an edge AND within the rules.
  • Dark Horse SEO starts with a good site structure and follows up with strategic keyword research, link building, and content.
  • Dark Horse SEO is blogging smarter not harder (but hoofing it like hell helps, too).

Final Thoughts: Dark Horse SEO

With more and more big companies getting into the SEO game, using Dark Horse SEO is more important now than ever.

I’ll see you at the races.

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Disclaimer: Note: Dark Horse SEO, as I describe it, is not the same as the company named Dark Horse (which, confusingly, is a company that provides SEO services). I have no affiliation with the Dark Horse company and this article should not be understood as an endorsement or criticism of their services.



Christopher Kokoski
The Startup

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