June: Monthly Newsletter

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2022

Greetings Synesian!

If this is your first monthly newsletter, welcome! Thank you for joining us on this journey! If that first welcome email missed your inbox, it’s right here.

In this month’s letter we’ve got some spicy updates! As we near the close of Q2 we are pleased to inform you on the progress behind our current and newly evolving builds — we’ll introduce you to Work Space, update you on the UI/UX for our Data Yield Farming, and inform you of our Kanon NFT relaunch. Additionally, our AI partner, Mind AI has a growing list of clients they’ve won. Our community — YOU — who are actively contributing ontologies for Mind AI today are helping to build it!


  • Kanon NFT Relaunch: We’ve launched a new Twitter handle in an effort to focus on our Kanon NFT. Please be sure to follow us @TheKanonNFT
  • 🚨Solana Network Congestion: This has caused a number of issues in the past month that have impacted us directly.

Issue 1: On June 2 Huobi Global stopped all deposit/withdrawfunctions for SPL tokens, including $SNS

Issue 2: Both Quantum Noesis and Kanon Exchange are experiencing a surge of issues due to the network issue.


Work Space is our Train2Earn mobile app. We’re developing it to provide the gamified framework for Data Yield Farming. It’ll help to motivate data yield farmers. They’ll have access to virtual peripherals such as their monitor, keyboard, and mouse and they can use certain virtual consumables such as energy drinks to enhance their performance and in return create an $SNS payout ratio. All of these activities will require $SNS payments and/or Kanon NFTs as the main entry requirement. We hope to showcase some of the UI/UX in next month’s newsletter!


Brand new UI/UX for DYF mobile-friendly version will launch on the Solana testnet this summer. This will work in conjunction with the web app that is already available. This much anticipated launch will aim to turbo-charge the usage of the app across both desktop and mobile phone. Desktop and Mobile app to follow.


Quantum Noesis has now been live for six weeks and players have now solved almost half the puzzles in the game. Competition is heating up! Players are enjoying the beautiful artwork and Cyberpunk story arch so much so that we contracted Sci Fi Factory in London to produce a 120 page ‘Art of Quantum Noesis’ book, which will be available soon.

Pulitzer Prize winning technology reporter Ellen Glover interviewed Tracy Spaight, Head of Gamification, for a series of articles on play2earn and GameFi. View them here:


  • We were stoked to introduce our community to 60+ year old Megnuts, who imparts wisdom and humor daily!
  • And meet Gwilled, who’s been with us since before we even had a Discord!
  • Finally, meet our first crew of Ambassadors right here!


The team will have their third meeting of the year where they’ll take the feedback from the overall ecosystem and plan to incorporate it across the remainder of the year. There’s even more news, but we’ll save the rest for our future newsletters.

We thank you for joining us on this journey and again, thank you for your support!

The Synesis One Team



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.