For The Best Human Rights Books of 2015 and 2014, see here.
The foregoing are thoughts that have been on my mind for some time. Not sure what the point of this piece will be in the end, but I hope there’s a point or two in there somewhere.
Today’s to-dos
The National Rifle Association, the infamous organisation representing the American gun rights lobby, once ran a series of advertisements featuring ordinary-looking Americans, such as concerned housewives holding babies, with the caption “I’m the NRA.” The reasoning, presumably, was that making the…
As Center for World Indigenous Studies chair Rudolph C. Ryser states in his op-ed at IC Magazine,
I have been working with indigenous leaders for decades and arguing that indigenous nations must take the initiative to take back that which is and always has been theirs: land…
So true in many, in all aspects. I wholeheartedly agree.
Even now, that I’m writing these words I think, “Posting on the internet like my commentary does not help. It makes us lean back and think, whoah, I *did* something”.
Randolph Garrison We live in a republic with democratic ideals. We are all responsible for keeping it together. I 100% disagree with your assessment of Hillary Clinton. “Greed infected her soul”? Why so mellow dramatic? If greed had infected her soul, there was a lot of ways for her to cash in on her status without running for president. Hillary…
What are the people of Silicon Valley thinking after the US elections results came out? It is for sure an interesting question especially that we know that companies like Google and Facebook can not only manipulate the opinion but they also…
There is much being done to commemorate the day around the world. The UN is running the hands up for #HIVprevention campaign, New…
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The expanded summary of the House passed…