Alan Watts has been often praised for his insights into the modern human condition…
You need to work on your presentation. All the profanity is going to alienate people before they even finish reading the article, assuming they’ll finish reading it at all. Furthermore I’d like to point out that if you’re really so “passionate” about doing the right thing you wouldn’t be arguing about how to responsibly farm animals but rather how to…
Our planet is home to various beautiful and terrifying species, including really small and really large animals.
“The war on beautiful, clean coal is over!” triumphantly declared President Donald Duck Trump during…
I really love that the Irish Design Shop is using corrugated cardboard instead of bubble wrap. Small changes make a big difference.
To start, this is the first time I have ever written any kind public post or blog. Oh, since I am new to this I welcome any feedback readers may have!
(A little bit about myself…currently I am a consultant focusing in private equity. I recently…
Solar panels is a growing topic of discussion in finding new ways to help our planets environment, and considered the fastest growing industry in the renewable energy sector.
A general notion about “Western science” that most people share is that it is, or at least should be, a value free undertaking. Science is about finding quantifiable “facts” which shouldn't be dependent on the beliefs of the…
Do you think we are leaving the earth well enough for the future generations to strive? The population is…
My Story that Never Ends…
Yes,my story never ends and i will tell you why.
I am happy to say that Aquila have been in touch about the use of plastic on their magazine, to say that they are currently looking for another option instead of plastic packaging. Hurrah for Aquila!
If you’re canvassing door-to-door trying to get people to vote for your candidate or sign your petition, it’s probably because you believe in what you’re fighting for enough to do that type of thing. But it doesn’t matter. 9 times out of 10, you’re regurgitating lines off a script fed…
There are many different ways to find out what is happening in the world and many of them fall into the category of social media. Twitter is one form of social media that has its own quirks like using hashtags and at…
I wanna go surfing. I watched this movie today, and I ponder on how it would be the greatest, ever. I really adore the beach. It’s so freeing, and the air seems filtered allowing the atmosphere to lighten my mood. The word to describe it would not be ‘Cool.’ (the word I use to describe most of my favorites) There…
Logo, flyer and poster used to advertise Green Day Out 2010.
by Marsha Rakestraw
The amount of E-waste is constantly growing, and such a surge brings forward the need of efficient electronics recycling. E-waste includes items like televisions, mobile phones, computer equipment, CD players and other electronic…
Millions of children in India live in areas where the PM10 level in the air is more than the standard. In the states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Maharashtra and Delhi, there are children below the age of five years who are in the grip of polluted air. Air…