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Growing without farming

By Erez Galonska, INFARM

This article is published in The Beam #5 — Subscribe now for more on the topic

A River Runs Through My Office


Grand Rapids is flooding with other cities throughout the Midwest. More rain is approaching, and locals are thinking about the record 2013 flood. In April that year, the Grand River hit 21.85 feet. So far this year, we crested at…

Old garden hoses tied to disaster reduction in the Cook Islands

Old garden hoses are in high demand by the Cook Islands Red Cross for its disaster risk reduction programme.

The charity is recycling hoses for a ‘roof tie down’ programme to show how to secure…

Be Safe from Smog

Consistently, whenever the winter starts to begin it again brings along the smog cloud that surrounds the central states and the National Capital Region. This year, we have seen the rise of the contaminants levels almost by 8–12 times above the controllable limits in Delhi. Air contamination…