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Microsoft & LinkedIn — Why am I skeptical?

My first thought after reading about Microsoft and LinkedIn deal was — Oh no! I usually do not have such quick opinions (unless it is too personal to me) — so it was surprising that my gut had uncharacteristically reacted.



还有不到一个月的时间,Windows 10的免费更新计划就将关闭,而就在关闭之后3天,Windows 10就将会迎来重大的周年更新。已经通过免费更新计划升级到Windows 10的用户只需要“坐等”就能够体验到Windows 10周年更新的新功能,而如果等到7月29日之后还没有更新到Windows 10的用户,就只能通过付费的形式购买正式版的Windows 10系统了。

Smell ya later, Evernote #EPIC #FAIL

Dear Evernote, thank you for six years of productive workflow. However, your recent onerous changes to your Basic offering, specifically the limit to two devices are untenable.

Let me give you a nickel’s worth of free advice about converting free customers to…



尽管微软已经将诺基亚品牌和手机生产部门从自己身上剥离开来,但这只能说明微软在“精简”自己的手机业务部门。由Windows 10跨平台特性催生的Windows 10 Mobile系统一直在不断地进行改善。抛开真实性难以确定的Surface Phone不谈,微软重新回归上游软件厂商的做法,再次让OEM们重新踏入Windows移动系统的大门。