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Pritunl 1.24 Release Announcement

Version 1.24 of Pritunl has been released. This release adds support for user groups, includes…

Auth0 support for ASP.NET Core

With the final release of ASP.NET Core 1.0 happening today, we are happy to announce that you can now…

Cách đơn giản lắp đặt máy bơm chìm nước thải Ebara

Cách lắp đặt máy bơm chìm nước thải Ebara — Khi đặt máy bơm, cần quan sát khoảng cách tối thiểu tới thành bể, hướng ống xả và các vị trí khác, nhằm đảm bảo cho việc vận hành và bảo dưỡng được thuận tiện và an toàn.

It’s really interesting that both Siri and Alexa fall back on using Bing (which of course, Cortana does as well). Except for Google’s own products, all the next-generation voice-acti...
Amazon Echo and Alexa really matter
Anil Dash

Really interesting to consider the bull case for Microsoft, because they have the right pieces in the right position — and it’s hard to look at any of the tech majors and say the same thing here today.

I really hadn’t considered Bing’s proliferation in 2MA’s tech ecosystem, but that’s an important bonus.

It’s now down to execution for Nadella & Microsoft…

Positioned yourself as a resourceful independent data analyst that understanding the nuance of data.

The purpose of business data analysis is not just to reveal objective. answers about business issues but knowing the best and most flexible approach to explore, analyze, and extract the significant information of your target…