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I’m a huge Charlie Munger fan. I spent the weekend stewing on a few things, including why human beings do what they do.

Andrew Wilkinson sent me this animated and abridged video of a famous Charlie Munger speech called The Psychology of Human Misjudgment. It’s well worth a quiet 15 minutes of your day to sit and watch it.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Go From Novice to Expert in Any Skill

One of the major themes of Nat Chat has been how people developed their skills on their own, whether explicitly by studying the methods of learning, or indirectly through practice. I’ve been trying to find a more…

Behaviour, Perceptions and Differences

This is a featured blog post I wrote for KAE Consultancy’s Ideabank in May 2017.

Our understanding of psychology has advanced significantly over the past century. Certainly, the notion that simply ringing a bell to make customers…