Top Stories published by Target_is_new in July of 2009

Impulse Shaped Services, notes on a Reboot talk

On Reboot11 I did a talk with the title Impulse Shaped Services. In the presentation I introduce a vision on the development towards impulse shaped services. Services are more and more scattered via different channels and touchpoints nowadays — we…

The next ubiquitous services

In an article of Winston Ross which he wrote for Newsweek (but wasn’t published) I found some interesting teasing quotes. The article itself asks the question what the next Twitter will be. That is a question that is often asked, but in essence not relevant. What is interesting…

Return of the flashmob as driver closed grouping

Today we had a flashmob hype in Amsterdam. The successful Stockholm Michael Jackson contributing flashmob was the inspiration for this event. However the flashmob generated lots of attention and a lot of people had a great day in preparation and…