Top Stories published by Target_is_new in 2009

Some thoughts on the Future of Gaming

This evening I attend a session of the Club of Amsterdam with the theme ‘The Future of Gaming’. An interesting theme because the principles of gaming are much related to appealing interaction for online services in general and social systems in particular.

The end of SEO with an evolution to semantic search

In this post by Robert Scoble, he coined some interesting thoughts ont the developments of SEO and SEM. I especially found the ideas on the evolution of search engines like Google and Bing to search results that are relevant by heart and…

Does Google Wave leapfrogs the real-time web?

I proposed a talk for Reboot this year. It accumulates my feelings on a emerging trend on impulse shaped services. In the period heading to the conference I’ll try to connect findings on this topic from others if I ran into them.

Twitter in a singularity ecosystem

This weekend there was an interesting conference in New York on the concept of singularity. I did not attend the conference, but read some reports on it. The whole idea of singularity, where the power of computer intelligence is heading up or even overtaking our own…

Ontstaat er een strijd om de community-connector?

Facebook kondigde op SXSW conferentie aan dat hun Facebook connect functionaliteit beschikbaar wordt voor iPhone-app ontwikkelaars. Daarmee is het makkelijker om je community vanuit Facebook te koppelen aan een app. In een andere lezing op de…

Sociale media leren organisaties menselijk worden

Interessant antwoord op een vraag uit de zaal bij SXSW lees ik op de posterous blog van @erwblo:

Vraag via twitter, iemand die bij een verzekeraar werkt en zicht afvraagt hoe hij zich interessanter kan maken. Advies…

Waved notes on Design by Fire

Today I attended the Design by Fire conference. For me it was the first time, I heard a lot of good stories from last years edition and always like to see Matt Jones of course. It was a pleasant day with nice people and some good talks. Where especially Matt Jones delivers to…

These were the top 10 stories published by Target_is_new in 2009. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.