Top Stories published by Target_is_new in October of 2009

Waved notes on Design by Fire

Today I attended the Design by Fire conference. For me it was the first time, I heard a lot of good stories from last years edition and always like to see Matt Jones of course. It was a pleasant day with nice people and some good talks. Where especially Matt Jones delivers to…

Thinking in the box

Right. Today I ran into this example of a concept of Living Magazines. I agree on the vision in the post that this is not likely to happen fast. But I even think it is not likely to happen at all in this way. It is another example of ‘thinking in the box’. Try to connect new technologies to…

Touching the senses at This Happened #4

This night I did attend This Happened for the fourth time. It was a great night again. Kars, Ianus and Alexander managed to mix up a fine program with different points of views on interaction design. And just like the other editions you can experience an…