Top Stories published by Target_is_new in February of 2010

Will persuasive games dominate the economy

In my report of This Happened #5 I stated that the there was no excitement in connecting gaming as theme to interaction design. (…) “game principles are part of every good interaction, so that would be not fair and just confirmation of the quality of the…

Enhancing and dissolving technologies at This Happened #5

This evening I visited again a very inspiring This Happened. Four talks with a perspective. This time in a new bigger location which could not prevent the event be sold out in one minute again.

Moving to a tactile web

With the iPad and also the rumours of Google going tablet, you can predict this new way of interacting with devices is taking off this year. What I find interesting in the videos is the way the interaction become more and more tactile, much more than the touchphones we use now. Where on…