Top Stories published by Target_is_new in January of 2010

AR is not the product

Just read this column on the future of Augmented Reality (AR) in relation to the marketing thingys made with it right now.

Now, I’ll grant that all of these are marketing gimmicks. They’re probably not meant to be anything more. But let’s just step back and call a…

links for 2010–01–11

  • The Predictive Web | Brian Solis
  • This is a good post on the new phase in the web we are experiencing right now. I think I wrote about it more than one, the smart context. The term predictive web describes is well.
  • (tags: trends socialmedia…

links for 2010–01–10

links for 2010–01–14

links for 2010–01–12

  • ITP Live Archives
  • Great list of speakers, good place for inspiration lost hours ;-)
  • (tags: presentations inspiration)

links for 2010–01–09

an exploration in the new
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