Top Stories published by Team Communities in 2014

Twitter communities and the diffusion of news

Martin Stabe recently shared a very interesting analysis about the way news is distributed on Twitter (Sharing News Articles Using 140 Characters: A Diffusion Analysis on Twitter). The researchers aimed to answer three questions:

The kids are all right.

The Communities Forum — a Team Communities experiment and currently an email list — includes an active global audience of students interested in business and finance.

Now, here’s a good problem to have: how do we keep this audience engaged?

These were the top 10 stories published by Team Communities in 2014. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2014 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Team Communities
This is no longer an active publication. Thoughts on engagement, audience development and community from the FT’s Team Communities. We’ll also feature posts from other FT teams across editorial and biz, and from members of the FT’s communities around the world.
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