“Family Friendly” Only Starts With Maternity/Paternity Leave, It Doesn’t End There

Yesterday’s read, Yelp Fired A Single Mother Today: Me, struck a chord within me. I work with a lot of parents (and have one on the way myself!), and from the outside looking in, building a…

Resilience, Not Adversity, is What Makes an Entrepreneur

There’s an unhealthy belief in the startup world that adversity makes for a great entrepreneur. It’s the “if it doesn’t kill you it makes you stronger” kind of thing. Stats like “7 in 10 entrepreneurs cite traumatic childhood

Introducing Tech In Boston On Medium

Medium now has publications, so I started one for Tech In Boston to curate all of the great articles, lessons, learnings and ramblings from YOU! The founders, investors, doers and more in the Boston startup community.

Tech In Boston
Tech In Boston
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