eMAG @Bucharest Technology Week

A couple of weeks ago we were announcing our partnership with Bucharest Technology Week, as PHP Summit Stage sponsors. Now, we are counting the hours until the event, and meanwhile we decided to give you a short preview of our presence there.

Skill upgrade: RabbitMQ @ eMAG Technical Bundle

In the past articles we’ve talked about our eMAG TechTalks sessions and how they help us understand what some of our teams are up to, what technologies they are using and what those technologies can bring to eMAG. But these are just presentations…

New session of eMAG TechTalks: Regex & Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP v2)

As you may remember, we talked in a previous article about our internal technology-related discussions, or eMAG TechTalks as we so lovingly named them. We explained how we come together…

Introduction to Apache Thrift

Recently I gave a presentation to our development team about Apache Thrift (https://thrift.apache.org/) — great software framework that allows applications written in different programming languages to communicate with each other. What differentiates it from other solutions is…
eMAG TechLabs
eMAG TechLabs
On this blog you will find materials written by eMAG Tech community about the projects they are currently developing, the technologies they use and the manner they are using them for best results.
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