I Got Fired From My Full-Time Job – And I’m Happier Than I’ve Ever Been

Maybe there’s something to this Great Resignation thing, after all…

Alvin Ang
The Affirmations Of Alvin Ang


Picture taken when I was a contestant on “The Apprentice.”

Just two months ago, I wrote an article about how I’ve got myself a job. In it, I wrote about how said job is helping with my writing.


What I didn’t expect is that I’d get fired just a few weeks after writing that article I would get fired, and although I contend my firing is through no fault of my own, I couldn’t help but feel just a little sad. That feeling of sadness, however, soon passed.

To be replaced by a sense of overwhelming freedom.

See, after leaving that last job, I quickly leveraged my skills as a decade-long martial artist and got myself a side hustle teaching martial arts classes. Within a month, I managed to snag 3 private clients. And after two months, I was making more money than I made working my previous nine-to-five — while working significantly less hours.

This means that I have more time to spend on my writing.

And the results showed.

I re-edited and re-submitted my first novel to five different publishing houses, and more than that, a story I wrote for Vocal got shortlisted for the Vocal+ Fiction Awards…

