Hacking a Trello card velocity tracker with Glitch

At Nimbo X we use Trello to keep track of our Kanban development pipeline. We needed a way to track the card velocity/cadence of our development team. Unfortunately most existing products weren’t free and offered much more functionality. The…

Ember & Electron for Desktop Apps

Recently at Nimbo X we realised our end users would greatly benefit from having a “Desktop-like

Creating an Ember Addon for Airtable API

I recently found Airtable service and wanted to use it as a backend for my Ember apps. Unfortunately they don’t seem to follow any particular API specification (ex.: JSON API). Ember Data serializers, plus some tweaking, saved the day!

Extending ember-c3 charts using base-component approach

Recently we needed to create a metrics dashboard for Nimbo X. After some research we finally settled for C3.js; a nice “D3-based reusable chart library” that suited our needs pretty well.

Meet ember-c3

The Backlog by Ecaresoft
The Backlog by Ecaresoft
Sharing our journey: from software development to company culture and productivity hacks.
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