This Bazaar Is a Meeting Place

Newsletter #1

Michael Hall
The Bazaar of the Bizarre


2 min readDec 13, 2020


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Welcome to the Bazaar of the Bizarre, where dream travelers with bohemian souls sojourn, and weird is a strange yet exceptionally wonderful thing /:-)

Technically, I know a bazaar is a marketplace where people peddle their wares. This bazaar is a meeting place, a meeting of the minds, where we exchange ideas and wield our words as our choice of weapon. The only thing possibly peddled here is mainly poetry and some prose. Slowly but surely, we shall flourish; so, please spread the word about the Bazaar of the Bizarre. With imagination as our sixth sense and soul as our fifth element, we are the new Avant Guardians of inspiration everywhere, and purveyors of the poet tree, always forging forward. There is already a wealth of talent to be shared with the world here.

Below are the links to some pieces I’ve personally chosen to include in this inaugural edition of our newsletter, Wandering Weird Worlds of Wonder, because it is the fantastic and the bizarre that hold the imagination captive by captivating the soul.

Thanks to J.D. Harms, Joanna Vang, Imad, Aaron Quist, A.j Thomas, and Daniel A. Teo for your contributions.

2020 MDSHall, in collaboration with the Writes of Passage, “forged on the wordwrights’ anvil,” and the Poet Tree of Discoursing Drums beating by any dreams necessary



Michael Hall
The Bazaar of the Bizarre

#21stcenturygrio | with imagination as my 6th sense and soul as my quintessence, I am an alchemist of prosody |