Another Christmas Away From Home

Comatose Podcast
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2016
love” by open-arms on Flickr.

It’s that time of year again and here I am far away from home.

I have spent so many Christmases away from home that I am beginning to forget what it is like to spend it with the family. This year I will spend Christmas in Beijing, a place I have come to love despite the air quality. As the weather gets cooler and the coats get thicker, even China seems to like to celebrate Christmas.

Pictures of Santa Claus and Christmas trees and wreaths are popping up at grocery stores, pubs and cafes.

The decorations have their own Chinese flair, resembling Chinese New Year ornamentation.

The Christmas spirit is definitely in the air — or is that PM 2.5?

Air quality aside, Christmas abroad always seems a bit dry. Spending time with new friends is great but doesn’t replace the feeling of being home for the holidays. There is just something not right. I am truly enjoying this experience and it isn’t the first time away from home, but I really have the holiday blues.

Maybe it’s the cold, maybe it’s the looming final exams, or maybe I just need to put on my Christmas playlist. To top it off recent news has me feeling a bit uneasy.

I love the US and China is definitely growing at me, so when mommy and daddy are fighting it puts me in a quandary. The last few weeks have seen a stream of news reports staring Mr. Trump and the Chinese government.

Threats of changing the One China policy are not taken lightly over here. I have seen on numerous news reports that Taiwan is being used as a sort of “bargaining chip”, which is ridiculous. The CCP will never bargain over Taiwan, period.

I just want peace and goodwill for all, while I hang out in China for a bit longer and enjoy this amazing country.

My Christmas wish this year is for US and China relations to be more positive.

Seriously, don’t mess this up for me.

Written by Bashir of Comatose.

Listen to Episode 128 — Journey, Soup, and Fear:

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Comatose Podcast
The Coffeelicious

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