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Cryptonomic Update

Setting Sail

Introducing Galleon: a wallet for Tezos based on Tezori

Cryptonomic is delighted to share Tezori, an open-source codebase for Tezos wallets. The name combines the Italian word tesori for “treasures” with the Hindi word tijori for “vault”. We open-sourced Tezori under the GNU…

ConseilJS NG

We have been working to reengineer our TypeScript dApp library for Tezos — ConseilJS. The effort is still ongoing and has suffered from feature-creep as any technology initiative. Not only have we completely restructured the object tree, but also added local message forging, governance functionality, and…

Fast, mobile-native Tezos chain data

Recently our entire public stack of tools, products and infrastructure have been updated. We’re building towards the goal of simplifying development and deployment of decentralized systems. Beyond the neat API wrappers, documentation and unit tests getting there…

The Cryptonomic Aperiodical
The Cryptonomic Aperiodical
Product and development updates from Cryptonomic
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