Meet the foundry10 Interns: Summer 2021

Our brilliant foundry10 interns are making documentaries, creating comics, analyzing ocean sensors, building web apps for puberty and much, much more.

foundry10 News
2 min readJul 28, 2021


When COVID-19 shut down the foundry10 office, we took our internship program online. Youth adapted, created, persevered and far exceeded expectations. Learn more about how Virtual Internships Teach Life Skills You Can’t Learn in School and Why You Should Consider Hiring a Virtual Intern.

We’re thrilled to introduce you to some of the brilliant high school, undergraduate and graduate interns we are fortunate to have with us this summer at foundry10!

Meet the Intern Making a Documentary to Change Your Misconceptions About Antibiotics: Pinyu Liao

Meet the Intern Who Once Costumed as a Crane to Save the Chicks: Ellie Kravets

Meet the Intern Who Flips in the Air and Dives Under the Sea: Amirah Casey

Meet the Intern Creating a Web App to Help Young Girls Navigate Puberty: Maggie Wang

Meet the Tap Dancing Intern On a Mission to Stop Using Microplastics: Anna Finch

Meet the Intern Analyzing TTRP Game Sessions with Teens: Caroline Pitt

Meet the Intern Making a Homemade Wind Turbine: Blake Riley

Meet the Intern Who Skipped a Trip to Mexico to See the Great American Solar Eclipse: Karina Rodriguez

Meet the Intern Making a Comic About Deforestation: Hong N.

To learn more about internships at foundry10, visit our website.



foundry10 News

foundry10 is an education research organization with a philanthropic focus on expanding ideas about learning and creating direct value for youth.