Top Stories published by The Heretic in March of 2018

Action Leads to Insight

Tom Chi, one of my dear friends and inventor of Google Glass, preaches in his rapid prototyping workshops that “doing is the best kind of thinking.”

I wholeheartedly agree and have seen this play out in real life many times: Instead of intellectually debating…

Preparation is Everything

If you have ever seen a good improv theatre show, you know how natural and effortless the interactions between the actors seems to be. As someone who spend a few months learning improvisational theatre, I can tell you — effortlessness comes from diligent preparation. Not rehearsing…

If You Want to Scale — Grow Your Managers

In Reid Hoffman and Chris Yeh’s excellent Stanford course on Blitzscaling, they talk about the concept of going from single digit employees, to double-digit, triple digits and so on. Each stage presents its own set of challenges and is radically different…

The Heretic
The Heretic is Pascal Finette’s insights into leadership in exponential times. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated — delivered straight to your inbox. You will like it. →
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