Where it all began…

8 months ago, without knowing it at the time I had already made big steps towards starting my ultra fitness journey. Those big steps started in my mind.


TLDR — I’d love you to listen to my first ever podcast, an interview I did with Sanctus 8 months ago that only now went live, and where I now realise (because I just listened to it) that opening up about my mental health was the crucial step to in what has become my ULTRA journey.

I’d love to know what you thought of it. Please note it’s 30 mins long, which is perfect for a nice and slow 5km run and listen — mills@ustwo.com.

I run to the light. So much so I now have a constant reminder of my mantra emblazoned on my arm for all to never see (never see as right now I am obsessed with these new tight black Nike sweats that have long sleeves as opposed to my last months fashion love of only t-shirts)

“Why do you have something so morbid tattood” asked nobody, (because remember nobody can see it yet) — because, I would answer, it’s a statement of intent that I now live my life by, an awakening that I want to always remind myself about, which isn’t going to be hard to maintain considering its on my arm permanently.

Running, in the metaphorical sense (not sure if that is the right but admit it for one second you did think, damn mills can write dope prose!) in the ‘Run to the Light’ statement (mantra) is less actual ‘only’ running and also about ‘mentally’ taking my mind to a space of happiness and contentment. Please do remember, that when you actually stop and think about anything.. you really need to just laugh.. because nothing is actually real..

From my last post

Searching for Kingdom Hades (the previous manifestation of ‘Run to the Light’ was also something I wrote about in the past.. and although I can’t be bothered to re-read what I wrote then (never look back) I’d assume that the past me talked about finding contentment and fullfilment in life.

This is my daughter Gracie. Even she talks about mental health!

What the fuck am I talking about? (I am talking to myself by the way, imagine me sitting up in a room in my house writing, 3rd coffee in hand (black and not hot — who on fucking earth drinks hot coffee, and who more importantly asks for extra hot!! but that’s for another post I’ll never write) — yes I am back on coffee because as I lost the teddy ruxpin from around my body the idea of flowing in a drug as pure as coffee which helps me to fuel my enthusiasm for life and give me a burst of papaya power in my muscles turned out to be too good to ultimately give up.

a few days ago I was the proudest dad… Little G strikes again!

I’m actually talking about realising that part of my mental and bodily health wellbeing, if not all is truly realising that being open and honest and reflective is the fucking point of life and without doing it I fall into the abyss of negativity!!

It’s actually understanding and actually appreciating that writing this journaling journey, whatever is in my mind at the exact time is the thing I need to do to stay happy, and when combined with my running, my nutrition, my yoga and my don’t take life serious because it’s actually one massive fucking joke of genius makes me feel good.

Keeping your emotions inside is like keeping a 12x4 inside the bowels.. eventually you have to let it out otherwise you get ill..

thanks for listening / reading.

Listening to myself talking to James in the podcast helped me reflect more on my last 8 month journey.

— as an aside it also allowed me to understand how I can improve when I do these types of interviews, I didn’t ask enough questions myself, I didn’t really let James talk as much as I should and I often tailed off answers into confusing abysses, but hey it was 8 months ago and you only learn by trying and developing.

If you have any more feedback on how I could be better, then love to hear from you, mills@ustwo.com

