TIS Weekly (#126): Let Your Fridge, Toaster And Microwave Do The Talking

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
3 min readNov 6, 2017

[November 5th, 2017]

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a system in which everyday objects, such as televisions, traffic lights, cars and even toasters, connect to the Internet and operate and communicate autonomously. The items become ‘smart’. Crucial for this network to work are an Internet connection, unique identifiers for each object, sensors to collect data, actuators to make digitized information into physical actions and an interface for humans to communicate with the object. Today, we’ll be looking at some of the IoT basics and afterwards you might want to read this article by Ben Davis about ’10 examples of the Internet of Things in healthcare’.

Introduction to IoT

Tech giant Intel has created a concise and simply explanation of the Internet of Things. In this animation they explain of the Internet of Things came to be and also show you a few possible applications of the technology and the benefits for society. I recommend this video for a general understanding of the term.

Save time not looking for remotes

Welle by Maxus Tech can help turn any surface into a smart interface. It uses an embedded sonar and a highly sensitive gesture algorithm. With simple gestures you can operate the curtains, turn on your TV or control your coffee maker. It comes with Open API, so developers can redefine gestures and create infinite possibilities for controlling devices and apps.

Listen to the expert

In this humorous ‘interview’ we hear Robert Scoble talk with Alex Hawkinson, CEO of SmartThings. SmartThings is a platform that lets hardware makers turn their everyday objects such as lights, door locks and garage door openers turn into smart devices that you can control over the Internet. They discuss SmartThings’ Kickstarter campaign and why it was so successful.

Events | SPORTS
Digital Sports Day

On October 31st we reported live from Digital Sports Day and micro-blogged via Twitter. The conference was held in Utrecht (NL). Here’s a summary of our tweets, IG posts and the most important tweets during the conference. With speakers from TeamNL, Týrsday, Triple Double, Nielsen and many more.

Add your own videos and maybe they will feature in the next TIS Weekly. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

