TIS Weekly (#127): Adding IoT To Farming

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
3 min readNov 13, 2017

[November 12th, 2017]

I was thinking, showing you examples of (sports) wearables wouldn’t be much interesting. After all, I bet you guys are all too familiar with the Fitbit and other wearables. Instead let’s look at other use cases for IoT tech. For example, how can farmers use the Internet of Things to add some predictability to an otherwise capricious industry? How about wearables for farm animals? I bet most of you haven’t thought of that before!

IoT in agriculture

Verizon is providing farmers with connected devices and sensors, helping them make better use of water, to spot diseases and help them from spreading, automate cultivation and use data to increase yields. In this clip you meet several farmers and hear how they implement IoT technology.

Fitbit for cows

Fujitsu comes with a pedometer (GYUHO SaaS) for cows, which measures when cows are fertile. Apparently cows have only a small window of 12–18 hours in which they are most fertile (in estrus). During this time cows tend to move around more, and that’s exactly what this device measures.


Although the company name makes me snigger, this tech is not a laughing matter. Fact: 1 in 10 piglets is killed by being crushed by their mothers. Worldwide, that’s about 116 million piglets. Annually! SwineTech fits these new moms with a wearable device that sends impulses when she is crushing a piglet. The device is activated through a sensor which picks up the specific squeal of a suffocating piglet.

Expert Selection | INTERNET OF THINGS
Iskander Smit

Internet of Things expert Iskander Smit (Info.nl and ThingsCon) has honored us with his expert selection ‘Changing Relations With Things Through The Internet Of Things’. With a few video examples he discusses the pros and possible cons of a connected things society. Want to meet him live? There are still tickets available for ThingsCon later this month :)

Sport Business Day

On November 9th, we reported live from Sport Business Day and micro-blogged via Twitter. The conference was held in Eindhoven (NL). Here’s a summary of our tweets, IG posts and the most important tweets during the conference. With speakers from Cornell University, SFIA, LUMOlabs and many more.

Add your own videos and maybe they will feature in the next TIS Weekly. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

