TIS Weekly (#62): Technical Advancements In And Around Sports

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
2 min readAug 15, 2016

[August 14th, 2016]

It might not be a big surprise with the Olympics in full swing, but the central theme of this week is sports tournaments that evolve around tech. From the summer Olympics in Tokyo, to the World Drone Prix and the world’s first Cybathlon in October. If you have more videos to add to our month’s sports collection, do share!

Rio 2016 not exciting enough?

This edition of the Olympics will be known for it’s giant leap in sports technology. Not only in terms of organization and fan engagement, but also for its wearables and sports materials. It looks like Tokyo 2020 will continue on this innovation track!
Thanks for adding: @MaurizioScalari!

How fast can you go?

Earlier this week we saw a video of a drone racing a race car, almost winning due to its agility. How long before they surpass cars in speed? Drone racing has become a serious sport in the last few years. Here’s a clip of the World Drone Prix in Dubai — great scenery as well!

Cyber Olympics

This October Zurich will host the first cyber sports event in the world. The so-called Cybathlon will exist of six race disciplines: powered arm prosthetic, brain-computer interface, functional electrical stimulation, powered wheelchair, powered exoskeleton and powered leg prosthetic.

OK that’s it for this week, friends of innovation. Keep on submitting, keep on voting, keep on innovating. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

