Go to The Left Is Right
The Left Is Right
Right wing politics are destroying democracy in America. If we want freedom, we must think and vote blue.
Note from the editor

Right wing politics are destroying democracy in America. If we want freedom, we must think and vote blue.

Go to the profile of Lilith Helstrom
Lilith Helstrom
I talk about religion, sex, emotions, and life. Whatever I happen to be thinking about that I think might be interesting. Top Writer in multiple categories.
Go to the profile of diabolicsystemsuder
Go to the profile of Brent Bonet
Go to the profile of K. M. Lang
K. M. Lang
I write about family dynamics, religious abuse, disability and more. F**k the afterlife. Let’s make THIS world a better place.
Go to the profile of Kent Anderson
Kent Anderson
Purveyor of Truth and Facts. Lifelong Detroiter. Journalist. Loves good TV, sports, friends and family. Mostly. Also: https://rollingwheelie.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Alexandra Henning The Hysterical Historian
Alexandra Henning The Hysterical Historian
I write about politics, science, among other topics as the mood strikes through a historical lens.
Go to the profile of Alexandria Roswick
Alexandria Roswick
Top Writer in Feminism. Blogger for Say It Loud Space (UK). Trauma, relationships, and analysis of media and culture. https://linktr.ee/alexandriaroswick
Go to the profile of K. M. Lang
K. M. Lang
I write about family dynamics, religious abuse, disability and more. F**k the afterlife. Let’s make THIS world a better place.
Go to the profile of Dan Post
Dan Post
Author, software engineer, columnist, and grandfather with interests in music, reading/writing, movies, religion, travel, politics and, of course, dogs.
Go to the profile of Deepti Kannapan
Deepti Kannapan
Painter, occasional cartoonist, aerospace engineer. Writes about sustainable technology, creativity, and journaling.
Go to the profile of Andrew Pilkington
Andrew Pilkington
Living By the Edge of the Inland Sea, in the heart of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Thinker, writer, contrarian…
Go to the profile of At The Break Of Day
At The Break Of Day
Josh Hammond. Scribendo cogito, Latin for, I think by writing. Published author. Life-time of public service, from the White House to "Wall Street".
Go to the profile of Kate Bracy
Kate Bracy
Novelist, nurse, teacher, learner, human. Her novel, "That Crazy Little Thing" is available on Amazon.
Go to the profile of Kip Higginson
Kip Higginson
I write about politics from a left-wing perspective.
Go to the profile of Marie Véronique Emonds
Marie Véronique Emonds
A lesbian feminist and writer of fantasy fiction novels with strong female characters.
Go to the profile of Nick Rogers
Nick Rogers
Progressive politics, news, opinion, and more! Not a Medium subscriber? You can find free links to my stories at: https://ko-fi.com/nickrogers
Go to the profile of Teresa Beard
Teresa Beard
Writer. Entrepreneur. Nerd. Traveler. Content creator. Host of Sh*t That Scares Me podcast. https://linktr.ee/scaredmedia
Go to the profile of James Leftus
James Leftus
Groucho Marxist writer on the Florida Gulf Coast. Left Behind Volunteer. Former Youth International Party member. Founder AARP ANTIFA Club.
Go to the profile of Fudgin' Politics
Fudgin' Politics
Politics is a Fudgin’ cesspool. Will try to be civil and pertinent. NO labels. Equal opportunity basher. Talk hot-button issues.
Go to the profile of Tony Tochtrop
Tony Tochtrop
I'm a retired school librarian who spends a lot of time inside my head. Sometimes all that comes out here.
Go to the profile of C.A. James
C.A. James
I write about religion, relationships, science, and society. Hiker, sailor, hack musician, and author of The Religion Virus: Why We Believe in God.
Go to the profile of DC Crawford
DC Crawford
Surfer, environmentalist, sports coach/administrator & academic, writer, husband, father, friend (not always in that order) views are mine only — let’s surf.
Go to the profile of Jesse Wright
Jesse Wright
Learning to be a writer. Ex-Grey beard programmer, now retired. Extensive wide ranging reader. Proud Democrat and Liberal and Atheist. Bipolar but Medicated.
Go to the profile of Peggy Jones
Peggy Jones
Looking at culture through the lens of art, music, true crime, and humor
Go to the profile of Nick Bundarin
Nick Bundarin
Hey, Cakes and Cookies! Taking myself less seriously one story at a time. Lover of the weird, horrific and the fantastical. A touch of nerd is my cherry on top.
Go to the profile of Greg Ray
Greg Ray
I was a newspaper journalist in Australia for 30 years and I still love to write and publish. I’m a cynic, a skeptic and an idealist.
Go to the profile of Lisa Marie
Lisa Marie
College instructor who writes about life, pop culture, and social issues from the perspective of a left-leaning elder millennial.
Go to the profile of The Transgender Therapist
The Transgender Therapist
Queer, white trans man living in the Pacific Northwest with a grudge and a sharp tongue.
Go to the profile of Conor Kelly
Conor Kelly
Conor is a writer on progressivism, politics and history. Sign up for the newsletter, here: https://theprogressiveamerican.com/
Go to the profile of James Hollomon
James Hollomon
Majored in Chemistry, designed electronics automation until the industry moved offshore, transitioned to writing & web development. Currently writing Cult.
Go to the profile of A.J. Cralle (she, her)
A.J. Cralle (she, her)
💜DIABETES TYPE 2: Little Pricks Suck💜 AJ.’s the mom of a Q+ family living in a cottage w/ a periwinkle front door. Editor@Sweary Mommy & Editor@Modern Women
Go to the profile of Robin Chappell
Robin Chappell
I Think, and I Know Things. I Create, Therefore I Am. Multi-Disciplinary Creative. Author of the Collection of Short Stories “Dreams, Desires, and Dead Ends.”
Go to the profile of dennisbmurphy
Cyclist, runner. Backpacking, kayaking. .Enjoy travel, love reading history. Congressional candidate in 2016. Anti-facist. Home chef. BMuEd. Quality Engineer
Go to the profile of David Martin
David Martin
Wordsmith, humorist and author of “Dare to be Average” on Amazon. Support Dave’s writing by joining Medium: https://daretobeaverage.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Queer Kari
Queer Kari
Some days, I spell it with an L.
Go to the profile of Britney
Just a girl with a passion for writing, art, music, architecture, and domestic/international political and historical analysis.
Go to the profile of Philip Ogley
Philip Ogley
21st century content creator
Go to the profile of R.C. North
R.C. North
I have some thoughts about the time soup we're living in called life.
Go to the profile of Creative Capricorn
Creative Capricorn
So sorry if my work may offend you somehow, but that is the nature of the truth(offensive), which keeps burning in my heart. Email:gwaturetakudzwa159@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Tom Owens: How I REALLY Feel!
Tom Owens: How I REALLY Feel!
As “Thomas S. Owens,” he authored 50-plus children’s books. As Tom, he debates day jobs on Twitter. Now, on Medium, buckle up. Tell-all Tom is here!
Go to the profile of MaryClare StFrancis, M.A.
MaryClare StFrancis, M.A.
I write memoir, nonfiction essays, and poetry
Go to the profile of The Onyx Phoenix.
The Onyx Phoenix.
The Onyx Phoenix is an adopted human who survived abuse and has become an adoption activist. Like a Phoenix, I rose from the ashes of adoption, and survived
Go to the profile of Kevin King
Kevin King
“The first step to achieving the impossible is to believe in its possibility.” I write short pieces to inform, inspire, and hopefully teach a fast-paced world.
Go to the profile of Christopher Holdroyd
Christopher Holdroyd
Truth is a mountain. Lies are a ditch. I expose corruption. Ain’t life a bitch?
Go to the profile of Niamh Hayes
Niamh Hayes
Go to the profile of John Welford
John Welford
I am a retired librarian, living in a village in Leicestershire. I write fiction and poetry, plus articles on literature, history, and much more besides.
Go to the profile of Katrina Haney
Katrina Haney
Writer of poetry and prose in politics, love, mental health, personal stories; creative writer, Book: Blood Rage; Top Writer in Poetry and Government
Go to the profile of Frank Faiola
Frank Faiola
Political science major, progressive, mostly write political analyses and opinion
Go to the profile of Linda George
Linda George
Author of 75 books. Teacher/Substitute Teacher. Medium Writer. Substack newsletter Linda's Heart. Favorite place to write? Cloudcroft NM
Go to the profile of Evan Charles Wolf
Evan Charles Wolf
Failed soldier, professor, and politician.
Go to the profile of Lakitha Tolbert
Lakitha Tolbert
(She/Her) Busybody librarian from Ohio.
Go to the profile of Yilkal Yenealem
Yilkal Yenealem
Whether I am writing short stories, articles, or novels, my work is characterized by a dedication to quality and a passion for the written word.
Go to the profile of Dezmodian Emruby
Dezmodian Emruby
40+ year old artist, writer, gamer, husband, dog person-but all animals are great! Creative enthusiast, hopeless romantic, and nauseatingly optimistic, lol!
Go to the profile of Ben Ulansey
Ben Ulansey
Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙
Go to the profile of Political Pat
Political Pat
A fed up citizen of the US. Leans back in dismay.
Go to the profile of Randy Fredlund
Randy Fredlund
I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.
Go to the profile of Robert W Ahrens
Robert W Ahrens
"Money is truthful. If a man speaks of his honor, make him pay cash." robertahrens.substack.com
Go to the profile of Sally Pina
Sally Pina
Retired, extremely liberal and a political junkie. I despise most rethugs but love the animal kingdom and every living thing on our planet.
Go to the profile of ✨Philosophorce✨
We do what we must, because we can.
Go to the profile of Robin Glover
Robin Glover
Flying on a rock through space.
Go to the profile of EricaR
Parent, grandparent, transgender woman. I write poetry and prose, mostly on the topics of being transgender, Christianity, politics, and child abuse.
Go to the profile of Andrew Gaertner
Andrew Gaertner
To live in a world of peace and justice we must imagine it first. For this, we need artists and writers. I write to reach for the edges of what is possible.
Go to the profile of Sweet Honeylu
Sweet Honeylu
I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.
Go to the profile of Claire Hudak
Claire Hudak
She/Her | *All thoughts are my own* | Lifelong Learner| Niche-less Writer | Follow if we vibe :)
Go to the profile of Brian Throne
Brian Throne
Satire, saga and city life
Go to the profile of Billy A. Wiseman III
Billy A. Wiseman III
Thoughtful Writer
Go to the profile of Kimberlee Jakobe
Kimberlee Jakobe
Problem-solving advocate who writes. Reach me anytime~> kimberleejakobe@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Aslynn Roe 🐈
Aslynn Roe 🐈
I am a listener of culture, history, media, and politics. Follow me, and we will go somewhere. Finding out where is half the fun!
Go to the profile of Lita
Go placidly amid the noise and haste.
Go to the profile of Sean Myers
Sean Myers
Author of the Cancelling Reality newsletter and author of Flight of Fools, a satire/fantasy about escapism and reality — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B49PRRSF
Go to the profile of Samantha M🥀
Samantha M🥀
Writing about change, feelings, life, and sending it out to the world. Seeking understanding amongst the chaos. Owner of The Literary Underground Pub✍️
Go to the profile of Ricky Lanusse
Ricky Lanusse
Patagonian skipping stones professional. Antarctic sapiens 🇦🇶 on https://rickylanusse.substack.com/
Go to the profile of René Beauchemin - [he/him]
René Beauchemin - [he/him]
I am not who I appear to be. As a naturist, I can be seen clothing-free. As humans we need to be honest with who we are beneath persona and camouflage.
Go to the profile of Dash MacIntyre
Dash MacIntyre
Comedian, political satirist, and poet. Created The Halfway Post. Check out my comedy book Satire In The Trump Years, and my poetry book Cabaret No Stare.
Go to the profile of Brigitte.
Writer. Graphic Designer. Content Creator. Artist. Immigrant. Neurodivergent. | Instagram + Threads @brigitte.bohemienne | patreon.com/frenchifique
Go to the profile of CJ Sterling
CJ Sterling
Writer, journalist. Commentary: Washington Post, Economist, Daily Beast, New York Times, Seattle Times, Crosscut, The Stranger. 22.5 million views, Quora.
Go to the profile of Jeff Roush
Jeff Roush
Father, lawyer, management director, poet, writer, perpetual learner. Twitter: @jeffroushpoetry
Go to the profile of Andy B. Hahn
Andy B. Hahn
Naturally curious, passionate storyteller with wide range of interests. All about the journey never stop searching. He/Him
Go to the profile of Nancy Oglesby
Nancy Oglesby
I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication
Go to the profile of Michael Williams
Michael Williams
Writer of life stories and travel adventures. I miss my wife and write about our life together. Travel is the greatest gift to ourselves. Cheers!
Go to the profile of Russ Josephs
Russ Josephs
Writer, speaker, strategist and New Yorker in Asia www.russjosephs.com
Go to the profile of Suzanne Berger
Suzanne Berger
I help introverts and sensitive people embrace their unique strengths. Get your free introvert journal prompts: https://elevate-wordcraft.ck.page/journal
Go to the profile of Jack Vance
Jack Vance
Blogger @ Atheist Revolution (https://www.atheistrev.com/). I write about atheism, humanism, skepticism, freethought, and other topics of interest.
Go to the profile of bill radunovich
Go to the profile of Beers
Some 27-year-old from Chicago -- traveling the world, fascinated by people and their stories
Go to the profile of The Writing Wombat ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
The Writing Wombat ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
Online writer for 16 years with pieces featured on MSNBC, HuffPo, and Bill Maher. Cofounder of the original We Are Woman. Member of RAINN's Speaker Bureau.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Ruth Gould, PhD
Rebecca Ruth Gould, PhD
Poetry & politics. Free Palestine 🇵🇸. Caucasus & Iran. Writer, Educator, Translator & Editor. rrgould.hcommons.org https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/rebecca-gould
Go to the profile of Jim Bauman
Jim Bauman
I'm a retired linguist who believes in the power of language and languages to amuse and inform and to keep me cranking away.
Go to the profile of Don B.
Don B.
I'm a Locomotive Engineer. I've worked in the railroad industry for over 31 years. I'm also a progressive who speaks strongly against con-servative bullshit!!!
Go to the profile of Hive 42
Hive 42
Explorer of macro trends and societal narratives, enlightening readers with thought-provoking insights. My Family and Hive are the meaning to my life.
Go to the profile of KEN BANK
I am a semi-retired business executive, part-time playwright, and freelance writer about politics and history. I have an MA in history and an MBA.
Go to the profile of Lsjaffee (Writer, Educator, Over-Thinker)
Lsjaffee (Writer, Educator, Over-Thinker)
Marching to the beat of a different drummer. Non-binary human. No tolerance for racism, injustice & the patriarchy. lsjaffee@gmail.com https://larryjaffee.com
Go to the profile of Jamie Druhan
Jamie Druhan
Advocate for the vulnerable. Striving for better thinking.
Go to the profile of Alleria Brightfall
Alleria Brightfall
Mystic Princess and founder of Serpent and Butterfly, Department of Conspiracies and Nevermore Black. Artist, writer, occultist, gamer and philosopher.
Go to the profile of C. M. Barrett
C. M. Barrett
Owned by cats. I write about anything that interests me, and I'm happy to report that the brain cells continue to fire with reassuring regularity.
Go to the profile of Simone Cavagnoli
Simone Cavagnoli
Sociologist and Criminologist, I write about news, society and crimes.
Go to the profile of Emily Howarth
Emily Howarth
University of Warwick history and politics student keen to connect and discuss the ins and outs of my life and the news.
Go to the profile of Dana-Shae
Outspoken Virgo who enjoys politics, lattes, and the queer agenda.
Go to the profile of Diego Sanchez
Diego Sanchez
“Earth’s crammed with heaven And every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees, takes off his shoes. The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
Go to the profile of Ivylockewrites
They call me “the voice of the people,” but I can only speak for myself. Find "Everything Ivy" here >> https://linktr.ee/IvyLockeWrites
Go to the profile of Meaghan Ward
Meaghan Ward
Former sex writer, current culture writer. I’m still the girl your parents warned you about. https://substack.com/@meaghanward
Go to the profile of Rob Vanwey of The Evidence Files
Rob Vanwey of The Evidence Files
I joined Medium to write on politics and law, but sometimes they are just boring or frustrating. So sometimes, you get other stuff.
Go to the profile of Simply Sophia
Simply Sophia
Author, Artist, Attorney, Advocate, and other things that start with A. Sophia is a shapeshifting gender creative.
Go to the profile of Violet Daniels
Violet Daniels
Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚 https://www.violet-daniels.com/
Go to the profile of Jordan Meadows
Jordan Meadows
I write about Politics, Philosophy, History, Religion, Sports | All life is problem solving -Popper | Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity -Hitchens
Go to the profile of Meziechi Nwogu
Meziechi Nwogu
We don’t merely report the news, we explain the news at the deepest level. We highlight the meaning and purpose of global events and why they are happening
Go to the profile of Andrew Quint
Andrew Quint
Sharing interesting and unusual side hustles to help you escape the 9 to 5.