I Use Half as Much Electricity as the Average American. Join Me. (Part 1)

If every home matched my consumption, we could immediately decommission every coal power plant and each save $900 per year. See how you compare.

Matt Traverso
The New Climate.


Photo by Jon Moore on Unsplash

In the past year, I’ve been exploring ways to reduce our collective footprint. I’ve written about electrified cars, solar arrays, heat pumps, high-efficiency appliances, and bike riding. It turns out that there’s a much simpler and cheaper way than any of these that has an even greater impact:

Just use less electricity.

Imagine my surprise when I learned that I consume less than half as much electricity as the average American.

And as far as I can tell, I’m not doing anything special. I don’t sit in the dark cold reading books. I do not cook with a solar oven, nor did I write this on a typewriter. I have an air conditioner, a full-sized fridge, electric heat, a larger-than-average home, a plug-in vehicle, and a massive desktop computer with three huge monitors that I game on every night. So, how did I do it? And how can you?



Matt Traverso
The New Climate.

Technical writer focused on clean energy, transistors and fitness data analysis. Ph.D. Biochemist from Northwestern University and Project Manager (PMP).