Lucky number 13!


Will this fight ever end….?

Pravin Shekar
The Outlier Marketer



Raji and Rajesh never seem to agree on anything.

Decisions had to be taken; they were part of the same team.
Decisions were being delayed, sat on, avoided, evaded…..

These two were fighting on/for everything. The colour, shape, size, model, brand.

Yellow would fit this car.
No, it will be Red.

We should go with this model.
That is nonsense. Model B seems so much better.

We must not spend so much unnecessarily.
Nonsense, we are making a statement. This IS a status symbol. Let us stretch the budget.

This job will be good for you.
Are you crazy? They are picking you to set you up. For failure. Runaway now.

I think the sale pitch is going well.
My foot. There were three stutters and two stammers. You did not answer one question correctly.

I didn’t answer one question properly — out of the ten asked. That question was also not relevant to our sales pitch.
You screwed up. I know you were going to fail, all of us.

I am sure I made an impression on that person.
Yes, the wrong impression. She must think you are a jerk.

And so went Raji and Rajesh, all along. Making it difficult for themselves, their boss and all those around them.

You know Raji and Rajesh.

Yes, you do!

They are inside all of us, with different names — but primarily as unknown voices that are bound to crop up.


As I write this article, Rajesh is screaming, “Stop writing this article. This is nonsense. Nobody would read it. If they do, they wouldn’t understand. They will laugh at you”.

In this case, the voice of Raji has won, and that voice says, “Go for it. Say what you have to say. Those who need to understand it, will”.

So here I am. Telling you about at least two voices within your head that are loggerheads with each other.

This prevents us from making a decision, or worse, continuously second-guessing every decision or choice.

What would you do?

I am not here to preach. Only to tell you what I do.

Which is to listen to the voice of Rajesh dispassionately. To assess if there is due reason/logic in that voice. If yes, then listen.

If that voice turns negative and bitter and is not helping me, my cause or work, then it is time to ignore and move on.

The voice of Rajesh is a resonance of the external negative voices amplified within me.

Whom do you want to listen to?
Who will you listen to?

Marketing is all about choices (as is life!).
Making the right ones.
Or correcting the course if a wrong one has been made.


It is a path of making decisions, in the sea of ambiguity with limited data at hand.

We need all voices but need to glean the wisdom from it.

As the wise Thiruvalluvar said eons ago:

எப்பொருள் யார்யார்வாய்க் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள்

மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்ப தறிவு.

Though things diverse from diverse sages’ lips we learn,

This wisdom’s part in each the true thing to discern.



To discern the truth in everything, by whomsoever spoken, is wisdom.

This is true for external and internal voices. We need to listen, assess AND DECIDE.


All stories in this “52” series:
1. The Cycle Wheel
The strong polish their fangs and the weak….
What happens to nice guys?
Growth: How did she do it?
When would you fire yourself?
What happened to soft-spoken Radha?
Simplicity needs common sense, not education!

Pravin Shekar is an outlier marketer, parallel entrepreneur and a raconteur.

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Pravin is the author of eight books:

Devil Does Care, Marketing lessons from The Art of War, Marketing lessons from Mythology, Getting paid to speak, a Virtual Summit Playbook, Climb your way out of hell, a collection of travel pics/romantic poems, and stories from the heart!

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