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The Quintessential Q
The Quintessential Q
Get a bit of Q in you.
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Hey…Oi… Medium Staff…Over Here…

A Premium Australian Letter

Hello legends,

I have signed up to your premium service. It is tremendous so far. I like the non-endless scrolling vibe. It will fix my problem when I go to do a poo in the…



I would like to thank all of you. Especially the ones that aren’t bots. I am now somewhat in the range of Internet stardom (C-class, of course).

Matt Querzoli just hit 500 followers on his publication. Not his actual self. He tried to explain

Hey Medium Suggestions Box — What About Signatures?

Greetings elizabeth tobey and others.

I am a big fan of having a signature at the bottom of my posts. I throw in a couple of calls to action and sometimes make a witty remark on an article I’ve just written (as an…