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The Sensu blog
The Sensu blog
Welcome to the Sensu Medium publication! For the freshest posts, head to our official blog: https://blog.sensu.io/
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🎉 Announcing Sensu 2.0 Beta 🎉

We’re excited to announce that Sensu 2.0 Beta is now publicly available for testing! Sensu 2.0 is easier to install and operate, requiring only a single sensu-backend process and sensu-agent process that communicate directly with each other. Our new API-driven approach…

Sensu 2.0 Accelerated Feedback Program

We’re very excited to have Sensu 2.0 in the hands of our users. To better understand how folks use Sensu, we’re starting the Accelerated Feedback Program (AFP). This is a private, high-touch opportunity to engage directly with our Product Development teams…

Out of Maintenance Mode

A few months ago I announced an idea I’m now quite proud of: our community needed some time in Maintenance Mode. How did we know we needed it? To review our challenges that lead us here, we had:

  • Fragmented conversations across social platforms