Archive of stories published by The Simple Personal Finance

Why investing in current top fund is wrong strategy?

I enjoy answering questions on Quora. It is a fantastic platform to exchange knowledge and learn new things. I confess some of the blog ideas are straightway picked up from questions I observe on Quora. Lately, because Indian market is at…

Wants, what’s your excuse?

One of my favorite article I have written has to be Need vs Want. It alighted many of my wants which were kind of hidden under the carpet. Mostly I found all those small expenses which I could not consider as (or convert into) need as we (myself and my wife) could have easily done…

These were the top 10 stories published by The Simple Personal Finance; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, and 2018.

The Simple Personal Finance
If it’s not Simple, it’s not Personal Finance
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